The Blogging Church
My friend, Andrew Conard at Thoughts of Resurrection recently posted a review of The Blogging Church by Brian Bailey and Terry Storch. You can read Andrew's review here.
Based on Andrew's recommendation, I picked up a copy of The Blogging Church at Annual Conference. I found it to be a fairly quick and easy read. It provides some very practical and helpful suggestions, like putting a picture of the book cover of The Blogging Church in the post where you review The Blogging Church. Check.
I found its biggest strength to be that it helps people who are blogging from within the church to think through some of the things that are at stake in how you present yourself through your blog. It reminds you that you have no control over who reads your blog (hi mom!). And it encourages you to avoid building a home in the "Town of Acrimony." Rather, Bailey and Storch encourage bloggers to focus on what they are in favor of in relation to ministry. I.e. don't turn your blog into one big rant about what is wrong with everybody else in the church.
If you are thinking about starting a blog, or if you are relatively new to the blogosphere, this book will likely provide some helpful direction and even give you some confidence that you have some idea of what you are doing.
If you are a blogging veteran, this book will probably not teach you anything new as far as the technical aspect of blogging, but my guess is it might provide some very helpful reminders about why you started blogging in the first place.
Finally, when Andrew reviewed this book, Terry Storch left a comment. I'm not trying to say that I expect Terry to stop by at deeply committed and leave a comment or anything... but I did include a picture of the book cover like they suggested. I'm just saying...
Kevin - You are hilarious! You might click through on the links that you include in this post to let Brian and Terry know that someone got to their site from here. Just a thought.
I am glad that you enjoyed the book...
andrew - thanks for the suggestion, i already did that (because Brian and Terry said to in their book) but I will do it again, you know, just in case. Thanks for stopping by Andrew!
Thanks for the kind review, Kevin! Glad you enjoyed the book.
God bless!
Here I am Kevin....
Thanks a ton for the great review and very kind words. We are fired up that you enjoyed the book!
Brian and Terry - I knew you would come through! Thanks for stopping by, and thank you for a resource that has helped me to both enjoy blogging more and feel like I am more effective at it.
Terry, I didn't realize until today that you were working for lifechurch. One of my wife's best friends works for lifechurch central.
kevin, who is your wifes best friend??? I am at central, so we are in the same building.....
Terry - My wife's friend is Libby Myrin. She just transferred from the Stillwater campus this week. I am not sure of her title, but she is in the finance department at central. When you see her, tell her Kevin and Melissa say "Hi!"
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