Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Baptism: My Favorite Thing about Being a Minister

Sunday May 13th, 2007 I had the privilege and blessing of baptizing Treven. I always use the same hymnal (which has the baptism liturgy in it that I use) and I love the way I always get at least a few drops of water on it when I am involved in a baptism. So, now those pages are kind of crinkled and not as smooth. Every time I open my hymnal and notice those pages, I am reminded of the promises that God has made to Treven and all who have put on Christ through the sacrament of baptism.

Being involved in the sacrament of Baptism is my favorite part about being a minister because it is the time when I feel the closest to God's love and faithfulness. Especially in infant baptism, because it is just so obvious that God is the one whose power is at work. I am not sure there is ever a time in the life of the church where the gracious nature of salvation is more evident than in infant baptism.

No matter what we do, from the time we are baptized on, there is nothing we can do to cause God to let go of his end of the promise. To be sure, this is not a permission to sin without consequence. God expects us to be obedient and faithful to keeping our end of what we have promised. But isn't it incredible, in a world so full of conditions, that God has shown us his love for us, without condition?

Remember your baptism and be thankful!

1 comment:

Matt said...

I've got a leather Book of Worship that is getting that nicely wet and wrinkly feel to the baptism pages. It is indeed special...sacramental even!