Tuesday, June 5, 2007

What Children Need from Their Parents

I just uploaded the last sermon of the "Family Matters" sermon series to my podcast. I apologize for not getting it up sooner, but last week was a very busy week with Annual Conference and I wasn't at the office much. You can listen to this sermon by clicking here or by clicking on the link on the right side of this page "deeply committed sermons." Then, simply click the green play button that is under the heading What Children Need from Their Parents.

Once you are at the main podcast page you can also scroll down and listen to any or all of the sermons from the Family Matters series, again by clicking on the green play button under the title of the sermon you want to listen to.

This sermon series had some of the most difficult sermons I have ever preached, but I can say that I learned a lot and it was very good for my prayer life! It is also humbling to attempt to preach on a subject that you are aware that your audience has so much more experience than you do. I deepy appreciate my congregation's patience with their very imperfect pastor and their encouragement and support.

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